Friday, September 24, 2004

Friday Fitness Blogging

  • Weight = X-1
  • Change From Last Week = +2
  • Met Exercise Goal? No
    Goal was fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Current Exercise Goal = fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? No.

So I didn't have the best week last week. I didn't overindulge in food, either, so I'm a little surprised at the apparent weight gain. Whatever. I'm still feeling considerably more toned up, and I expect to continue to tone as I continue to exercise.

As soon as I've got a couple of milk jugs saved up and cleaned out I intend to start Tom's exercise suggestions to start working on my arms. I probably won't "count" that exercise at first since it probably won't take long each day until I've worked up a bit.

I'm still looking for a good way to work on slimming my stomach down, and I also need to add walking to my exercise workout as the biking isn't doing enough. I ought to free the treadmill from the piles in the pantry so I can do a few minutes on it over the weekend. The last thing I need to improve is my water intake. I think I will probably add a water chart to my list of things to track on my blog. Maybe my goal for now will be two Sobe bottles (20 oz) of water a day for the next week, in addition to what I normally drink. Let's see if I can keep it up.