Monday, March 27, 2006

Emerald City Comicon

Ok... I've been talking about it here and there... but here's the confirmation. I will definitely be going to the Emerald City Comicon on April 1st and 2nd. On April 1st I'm bringing along my sister who can almost pass for my twin, and on April 2nd I'm bringing hubby-Eric.

I'll be wearing one of three Aquaman t-shirts in my collection, one of which just arrived today (heh heh). But the easiest way to identify me is probably by my bag. If you see my bag with someone wearing an Aquaman t-shirt, it's probably me.

Laura's Con Bag - Spring 2006

In addition, I'll have with me on both days my sketchbook, which I hope to get some of the great artists attending the con to add to, and on one day, probably Saturday, I plan on bringing Torvald the Troll. Torvald hasn't been out much lately, and he wants to meet more people like he did at Anglicon 2004. If the various guests are willing, Torvald will pose with as many of them as possible.

Travels With The Troll

If you plan on going to the con, please let me know. If you've got a blog entry about it, give me the URL so I can link to you.

Attending for sure:
  • Polite Scott
  • Kirk Jarvinen
  • Jeff Parker