Wednesday, April 04, 2007

McDonald's of Oz, Part 5

It started with Dorothy. Then we got Glinda and a bad bruise. Next came Witches and Lions. And finally a frantic hunt that led to one complete set, and another set almost complete.

Over the weekend, while my sister and I were at the Comicon, hubby-Eric went out for a McDonald's lunch and got himself another Glinda. He was hoping to find Toy #5, "Wicked Witch of the East", and complete the second full set. No such luck. I decided when I heard about his meal when I got home Saturday night that I would go to McDonald's once more sometime this week and find the final figure. It was my quest!

Monday morning, poor hubby-Eric was really sick. I spent some time during the day taking care of him, and decided not to go out for lunch for a variety of reasons. On Tuesday he was recovering, and although I ran a bunch of errands and such, an opportunity to go out to McD's didn't come up. Besides, I felt a bit woozy on Tuesday myself, and spent much of the day hoping I didn't have what Eric had.

I was beginning to think I did have it this morning, but a couple of hours of sleeping in banished the illness and I felt almost normal by midday. Good thing, too, as I had a number of errands I really needed to get done TODAY, including stuff for work and stuff for hobby. One of the things I didn't need to get done was a trip to the comic shop for new comics day, but I was feeling well enough that I headed out there anyway. Heck, I get to show off the sketchbooks on the Wednesday after a con at the comic shop, so it was fun. There were a couple of folks in the shop that had been at the con, and they both agreed that this year was a good one, with a very relaxed atmosphere. But I digress.

After visiting the comic shop, I decided to try the McDonald's near the shop where I had so much luck last time. I decided that if I found ol' East Witch, I would buy a Happy Meal to go with her... and EAT IT, too!

Again, the store was pretty much deserted when I entered, though the drive-through was insanely busy. No line, so I asked the cashier which Oz dolls they had. She had to get me to clarify which toys, as she was once again a person who had more Spanish than English. I followed her over to the toy bin and watched as she pulled out a Tin Man and something that had a flash of red. She held them out to me, and I grinned happily as I took La Bruja Mala Del Este, Toy #5, from her and said, "This is the one I wanted!"

I think my enthusiasm was a little catching, as she smiled back and it didn't look forced at all. I said I would buy a Happy Meal to go with the toy, which made her laugh, and got a burger, apple dippers, and a diet coke. She had no problem taking my order, and even remembered that I asked for no caramel for the dippers and no ice in my drink. Yes, I ate it (285 calories, 9 grams of fat).

Note to self: Whenever you need to go to McDonald's for a promotion, go to the Kenmore one FIRST. They seem to be the best in the area.

After returning home, I completed my work stuff and got a package ready for my hobby stuff. Then I walked down to the post office (165 calories spent) to mail it. Not quite enough exercise to offset the Happy Meal, but enough for the day, I think. I then sat down to write this and delay working on my next con report. Current tally: Two complete sets, plus an extra Glinda.

And hey, I don't care what hubby-Eric's April Fool's Day Joke says, this is it. We're done.