Friday, July 18, 2008

Pug for the Parents

Hullo there! This is one of my few times blogging here, but I just had to post this bit because it has a great picture of a pug for my parents to enjoy. (Just scroll on down to the bottom there, Mom and Dad. His name is Oxford, by the way.)

Laura is out of the house today, taking a well-deserved break from all the packing and worrying about the move. She's with her mother and sister in Sequim (it's pronounced "skwim"—yeah, we don't get it, either). I, meanwhile, have packed away the rest of the Doctor Who collection (no small feat, that) and our extensive but increasingly obsolete video collection. It's getting down to brass tacks! We should be ready to get out of here just as soon as we have a place to go, and I'm even contemplating taking a vanload over to our storage locker sometime next week.

And that's about all for now.