I have managed the impossible. I killed a zucchini plant before its time. I'm sure it was a combination of the location, the watering, and the cats. But it's dead, Jim. You grab its tricorder and I'll get its wallet. In the meantime, the Plum Stick continues to grow.

I was actually on the road last week, and I took these pictures on Wednesday but I'm only getting around to posting them now. Sorry.
The grafted plum is also doing fine. I'm really enjoying having two trees, it's making me feel wonderful having something growing. Plus I've noticed that I am attracting bees to the yard and not just the local wasp population. So all is good with the trees.

When I looked up at the windowsill on Wednesday morning, I saw this surprising sight.

That's right, all my plants are in the ground now. I got out on Monday and cleaned up the garden plot, and turned over dirt, and laid out soaker hoses and then planted all four remaining plants in the warm dirt.
The Tiny Tim Tomatoes are in the ground and possibly ready to grow. Hope Hope Hope. Both plants have tiny tomatoes on them, but none of the tomatoes say "tim" on them yet. So we'll just have to see.

The Yolo Wonder Peppers are also in the ground, and surrounded by hoses and I hope they will grow as well. I was still worried about the smaller one, but I planted both of them in the hopes that they will manage to thrive outside now that the weather is turning.

The Triffid Moneymaker Tomato is ... well, I almost can't tell if it's growing or not. I hope so. I won't mind a few tomatoes if it makes it through.

Last and not least is the Zucchini. After my last post I decided that the Zombie Zucchini was almost certainly doomed and poked two deep holes in the dirt with my finger and dropped two zucchini seeds into each hole. To my massive amusement and mild distress, ALL FOUR seeds have sprouted and I've got double-headed zucchini plants growing in two spots. In the middle of this picture, you can see the sad corpse of the original zucchini.

Last in Stepford House news, the neighbors behind us asked permission to put boards on our fence, which we granted months ago. While I was on my road trip, they started putting boards up. I didn't get a picture, but maybe in my next plants update I'll put one in. They haven't covered the entire fence, but they have covered the section where garbage is blow into our yard through theirs after the dogs get into their unprotected garbage cans. This will make dealing with the neighbors MUCH better for me.
And, so to next week. We'll have to see if anything survives this strange weather we're having.
That's o.k. Between my wife and many a good plant has met it's maker a little too soon. Most recently I almost over watered my tomato plant which, in this Texas heat, I didn't think was possible. Live and learn, I guess.
Alberto Ramirez
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