Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hugo Review Status Update

I now have 29 more days in which to vote. Of the 100 finalists I plan to review and vote on, I have reviewed 64 - leaving me with only 36. That would be a great number if six of those weren't series - five of which I haven't read. panicpanicpanicpanic.

Still, I'm not doing too bad, all things considered. I am nearly through the novels and have only two novellas left. There are four works in the related category, but I've started the reading there. I've got two more movies to review, and one of them I've seen. The 'zines will be tough, but I've got some familiarity with some of them, and every little bit helps (I may have to do them as categories, though). Fancasts just require me to listen while doing something else, and I've been enjoying that. In short, this is doable. Tough, but doable.

After the fold, my current rankings with links to my reviews. A dash means I'm leaving it off my ballot. No number means I haven't reviewed it yet. I also removed the puppy poop entirely and will be putting "No Award" at the bottom of each category that has poop in it. Rankings are all subject to change right up until July 15th, and I do NOT promise to post my final rankings.

Best Novel

1) A Closed and Common Orbit, by Becky Chambers
2) The Obelisk Gate, by N. K. Jemisin
3) All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders
4) Ninefox Gambit, by Yoon Ha Lee
-) Death's End, by Cixin Liu, translated by Ken Liu
Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer

Best Novella

1) Penric and the Shaman, by Lois McMaster Bujold
2) Every Heart a Doorway, by Seanan McGuire
3) The Ballad of Black Tom, by Victor LaValle
4) This Census-Taker, by China Miéville
The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, by Kij Johnson
A Taste of Honey, by Kai Ashante Wilson

Best Novelette

1) "The Tomato Thief", by Ursula Vernon
2) "The Art of Space Travel", by Nina Allan
3) "The Jewel and Her Lapidary", by Fran Wilde
4) "Touring with the Alien", by Carolyn Ives Gilman
5) "You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay", by Alyssa Wong
6) No Award

Best Short Story

1) "That Game We Played During the War", by Carrie Vaughn
2) "Our Talons Can Crush Galaxies", by Brooke Bolander
3) "The City Born Great", by N. K. Jemisin
4) "Seasons of Glass and Iron", by Amal El-Mohtar
5) "A Fist of Permutations in Lightning and Wildflowers", by Alyssa Wong
6) No Award

Best Related Work

1) The Princess Diarist, by Carrie Fisher
2) The Women of Harry Potter posts, by Sarah Gailey
The Geek Feminist Revolution, by Kameron Hurley
Traveler of Worlds: Conversations with Robert Silverberg, by Robert Silverberg and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro
The View From the Cheap Seats, by Neil Gaiman
Words Are My Matter: Writings About Life and Books, 2000-2016, by Ursula K. Le Guin

Best Graphic Story

1) Ms. Marvel, Volume 5: Super Famous
2) Saga, Volume 6
3) Paper Girls, Volume 1
4) Monstress, Volume 1: Awakening
5) Black Panther, Volume 1: A Nation Under Our Feet
-) The Vision, Volume 1: Little Worse Than A Man

Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)

1) Ghostbusters
1) Stranger Things, Season One
3) Arrival
4) Deadpool
Rogue One
Hidden Figures

Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form)

1) Black Mirror: "San Junipero"
2) Splendor & Misery [album], by Clipping
3) Game of Thrones: "Battle of the Bastards"
4) Doctor Who: "The Return of Doctor Mysterio"
5) Game of Thrones: "The Door"
6) The Expanse: "Leviathan Wakes"

Best Editor – Short Form

1) Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas
2) Neil Clarke
3) Sheila Williams
4) Jonathan Strahan
5) John Joseph Adams
6) Ellen Datlow

Best Editor – Long Form

1) Sheila E. Gilbert
2) Liz Gorinsky
3) Navah Wolfe
4) Devi Pillai
5) Miriam Weinberg
6) No Award

Best Professional Artist

1) Galen Dara
2) Julie Dillon
3) John Picacio
4) Chris McGrath
5) Sana Takeda
6) Victo Ngai

Best Semiprozine

Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Strange Horizons
Uncanny Magazine
The Book Smugglers

Best Fanzine

Journey Planet
Lady Business
nerds of a feather, flock together
Rocket Stack Rank
SF Bluestocking

Best Fancast

1) Tea and Jeopardy
2) Ditch Diggers
The Coode Street Podcast
Fangirl Happy Hour
Galactic Suburbia

Best Fan Writer

1) Foz Meadows
2) Chuck Tingle
Mike Glyer
Natalie Luhrs
Abigail Nussbaum

Best Fan Artist

1) Vesa Lehtimäki
2) Spring Schoenhuth
3) Steve Stiles
4) Likhain (M. Sereno)
5) Elizabeth Leggett
6) Ninni Aalto

Best Series

The Craft Sequence, by Max Gladstone
The Expanse, by James S.A. Corey
The October Daye Books, by Seanan McGuire
The Peter Grant / Rivers of London series, by Ben Aaronovitch
The Temeraire series, by Naomi Novik
The Vorkosigan Saga, by Lois McMaster Bujold

John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer

Sarah Gailey (1st year of eligibility)
Malka Older (2nd year of eligibility)
Ada Palmer (1st year of eligibility)
Laurie Penny (2nd year of eligibility)
Kelly Robson (2nd year of eligibility)