Sunday, February 23, 2003

Random Thoughts

If you believed the recent crap from the Prez about using duct tape (which usually doesn't even hold up when fixing ducts) to save you from biological attacks, you need to check out this wonderful cartoon, on how to properly Duck and Cover!. Link courtesy of Elayne Riggs.

Elayne has also been busy discovering information about vote fraud, as described on this website by David Dill, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. Dill is also trying to organize technologically saavy resistance to voting machines that cannot be audited. You thought hanging chads were bad? What if someone could control the whole election by rigging the machines you vote on?

In slightly more upbeat news, the people of Vancouver, British Colombia, have voted to support a bid for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Yes, as long as it's not Seattle, the Emerald City of traffic snarls.

And I know you are all just dying to hear about how my knee is doing. Short answer: better. Longer answer: I'm carrying my cane just in case it goes fully out, but yesterday I was actually using the cane because it hurt so bad. It doesn't hurt much now, just the usual dull ache from when something has been slightly injured and is trying to heal. So, yeah, it's better.

And... does anyone know of a good mimmoth catcher? I seem to have a small infestation.