Saturday, March 22, 2003

Getting Rid of Mini-Mammoths

Ok, got the new anti-pachydermal software. The instructions are pretty odd, though, and it might take some time to get this thing fully installed. And there's still no guarantee that it will take care of the blog. Of course, I haven't seen any mimmoths on any other blogs, so it's clear the infestation must be coming from my machine, right?

You should see the pictures that came with these instructions. Hopefully the mimmoths won't eat any of the directions...

Step One
Shut off your computer, shut it all down,
then restart quite quickly, and take off that frown.

Step Two
Stop any programs that started themselves:
They'll screw up your system like mean little elves.

Step Three
Insert the disc that came with this book,
it should start itself with nary a look.

Step Three A
( If it did not start
You must start it by yourself
Sunflower in May.)

Step Four
The program is running, the screen shows the news.
Select what you need to get rid of your blues.

Step Five
This step is important, you must heed it with vim!
If you ignore it, your computer will dim!

Step Six
Now that you've done that, you should listen for Whos,
and if you shoud hear one, go back to Step Two.

Step Seven
If you are confused, it won't bother you now,
just hit the OK button if you know how.

Step Eight
The program will run! The program will clean!
The program will give you an elephant-free machine!

Step Nine
Restart your computer then check for the pests.
They'll all be gone, on this our promise rests!

Yup, this installation is gonna take awhile. I still haven't figured out step five... and I'm not sure what to make of mean little elves. I guess someone at this company had one too many run-ins with real-player...