Saturday, March 22, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 19 Mar 2003 - Part IV

Supergirl #80: Such a hollow ending. Painful. And way too quick. Is it something about Peter David that editors keep killing his stories? Maybe he just always plans stories to be too long? I'm not sure. Re-reading some Silver Age Aquaman, I saw a comment in the letter column complaining about the length of Steve Skeates first Aquaman tale ("The Mera Quest"). Oh well, definitely a sad ending to a pretty good run. 4 starfish

Crossovers #3: Heh heh, the "Weisinger Effect", heh heh. This book is just getting better and better as we get to know the characters. The crossovers in this issue were perfect and funny. And leave a lot of story to be told... I can't wait! And I still want to know what's up with the dog. 4 1/2 starfish