Saturday, March 01, 2003

Random Thoughts

How about another freewrite? I can say a lot in ten minutes if I try.

Time to think about the current situation of the country. Yeah, I don't like Bush. I don't like his policy of blaming Iraq for the 9-11 attacks and trying to brainwash the people into believing him. I am really bothered by the media, especially the TV news outlets, in the coverage of the possible war on Iraq. I saw a bit yesterday about teachers in Maine being told to be sensitive to children of people heading off to war, and I nearly blew up.

First off, if any teachers actually said that the men and women of our military are evil for going off to fight in the war, I would not be upset if that person was fired. I believe that the military forces of this country should be respected. I don't blame any of the people being sent to Iraq to fight. They agreed to defend our country. Heck, they are willing to lay down their lives for our freedom. I don't blame them one bit for the war.

I blame our government. Contested as a legitimate government from the start, they are now taking us into a war that sets an extremely bad precedent. "If a nation may someday be a threat to us, we can bomb them into the stone age and murder all their children." Well, gee, using that rational, any country in the world willing to attempt to nuke the United States would be justified. That's just wrong. Even evil. And I blame Bush and his bratpack of cronies. But I don't blame our military. They are the ones going to fight and die.

And secondly, telling teachers they can't talk about the war is wrong. If a teacher is opposed to the war, they should be allowed to say it, even in class. How else is the next generation going to learn? I had teachers giving thoughts on current events all through my elementary school years, and I learned a lot from comparing their beliefs to other adults in my life.

And lastly, I just wonder how out-of-proportion the incidents that prompted to the complaints were blown up to? I mean, did a teacher say, "I don't support the war" and little Johnny went home and Mommy said, "If your teacher doesn't support the war, she hates Daddy! Let's complain!"? The news report I saw indicated that there were "about five complaints" of teachers "disturbing" children by being opposed to the war. How many of those were the adults taking things personally instead of respecting another person's opinion?

Oops. Time's up, pencil down. I guess I'm overthinking the whole war thing, aren't I?