Sunday, April 27, 2003

Blackberries, Ivy and Weeds, Oh My!

Hubby-Eric is mowing the lawn. Actually, "mowing" is too polite a word for what he has to do to get this lawn into some level of tameness. See, the blackberry vines have now taken over parts of the "lawn" and we've got a mighty mess. When we first moved in, I made a serious effort to trim down the ivy and blackberries, and made some small progress, but the last couple of years have been... difficult, and the whole thing has gone back to its natural state of untidiness.

So he's out there, trying desperately to make it look like we actually do care.

The first thing he did when he went out to tackle it this morning was to try and remove the steps that the former owners had put in. They are/were obnoxious and poorly designed with wood and a single flat brick for each step. The wood was completely rotted out, and some of the flat bricks were broken, and the blackberry had decided that it was a good spot to grow, so the steps were completely unusable anyway. After removing the bricks and pulling out as much wood as possible, hubby-Eric discovered that the wood had been held in place with rebar. Rebar! Sure enough, he dug down a bit and there was nothing cementing them in place. Just nasty spikes in the lawn.

So, we now have a lovely hole in the front of the lawn, and lots of blackberries and ivy swirling out onto the lawn, and poor hubby-Eric trying to tame it all with his electric mower and lots of willpower.

Let's not even talk about the back lawn. Heh.