Thursday, May 15, 2003

Some Stuff To Tide You Over

...until I get a chance to take a breath and do some actual thinking.

Neilalien points out that the Sequential Tart outreach isn't much of an outreach. Yeah, it's great that they are having a booth at San Diego Comic Con, but the only people they will really reach there are people who have already been exposed to comics and have a somewhat open mind. I agree that a booth in front of Macy's would be an interesting proposal.

I took the Dante Inferno Hell Test just to see where I would end up, and I've been sent to Purgatory. I'll leave the chart out, because I'd rather not show off my faults. I got the link to it from many sites I visit.

The Memory Hole reveals a badly botched faked photo of a jubilant crowd in Baghdad. Whether or not there was a crowd that big, this particular photo was obviously faked... and by someone who didn't know how to fake photos very well. Quite pathetic. Even if you buy the newspaper's reason for faking it, they didn't do a very good job at all.

I'm not sure what to make of this story that accuses the American military of making up the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, including the use of blanks in guns and carefully conceived camera shots based on advice from a film producer. Link from Franklin's Findings.