Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Comic Books

Preparing my comics order, I'm finding that I'm getting a bunch of books I didn't intend to get, and some that I normally wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole. See, a friend of ours is ordering his books through us now, and so there's a couple of books that I was thinking about getting that now I am going to end up being able to read. It's very strange. It also has the potential to be very interesting, as I'll be buying books that I don't know I'll like, and reading a few of them. The reason my reviews tend to be positive is because I've gotten pretty good at weeding out stuff I wouldn't like for sure... so if I'm reading other books, my reviews might have a bit of a wider spectrum. Maybe.

I got more permissions to post sketches, and I'll be adding those as I soon as I can make decent scans. I'm still having difficulty finding contact information for a lot of the artists on my list, but that's only to be expected. Maybe I'll run into some of them at cons in the future, and I can ask there.

As long as I'm posting, this week's comic list is huge: Amelia Rules, Girl Genius, Batman Adventures, Smallville, Aquaman, H-E-R-O, Arrowsmith, Amazing Spider-Man, Truth, and Silken Ghost. And it looks like I'll be picking up Teen Titans for my friend, too.