Saturday, July 19, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 16 July 2003 - Part II

Smallville #3: I'm not that interested in the interviews or episode guides, though they make this a much nicer package. In this issue, there's also an excerpt from a new Smallville novel. The comic stories were very Lex oriented, one is part one of a continuing story, while the other is a flashback. Good stuff, overall. Certainly fun if you watch the show. 3 1/2 starfish

Truth #7: Right after I read this issue, this article appeared in the Seattle Times. A bit of that synchronicity thing. The art is a bit better in this one, mostly. The whole sequence of events still doesn't make much sense to me, even the way I've got it figured. Not a bad ending, I guess, but the series as a whole could have (and should have) been much better. 3 starfish

Batman Adventures #4: There was this first shorter story, in which we learn that even Ra's minions don't truly understand him, then the longer story, in which we learn that Ra's doesn't understand the Detective he so admires. This is a pretty good book all around. 4 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #55/496: I have mentioned that I really like this title, right? Good interplay of characters, fun adventures... and Peter Parker is a school teacher, like my hubby. Except my hubby can't swing from webs and climb walls (at least, not that I know of). Anyway, this one is set in school, and after the city-crushing adventures of the last few issues, it's a relief to get down to the nitty-gritty again. And this is a good tale. And no, I don't want to play "thump". 4 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Amelia Rules, Aquaman, Arrowsmith, Girl Genius, Silken Ghost, and Teen Titans.