Wednesday, August 20, 2003

More Random Thoughts

Ah yes, the ever popular "Eaten by Monsters" internet error... via Elayne Riggs

Journalista has more on CrossGen, and I have to agree with him. CrossGen is certainly coming across as slimy in this one, implying that the folks who are complaining weren't good artists. I don't know how CrossGen thinks they are in the right here, as they didn't even bother to send Robin Riggs a contract. If they simply hadn't paid him, that's one thing. But how much does it cost for them to send him a contract after promising several times to do so?!?? Not paying is certainly bad enough, but at least understandable if the company is having financial problems. Not sending a contract is nearly unforgivable.

Am I the only person in the world who didn't get tons of that virus? Even my hubby got bunches of it in his mailbox, but I didn't see more than one or two in mine. Maybe I should sulk...

There's a new Baghdad Blog: Baghdad Burning by Riverbend, Salam's friend.