Saturday, August 16, 2003

No Such Thing As A Real World, Anyway

Last post of the day. Here's what I've managed to dig up on the 'net today.

Diamonds are a microchip makers best friend, or could be, if they weren't so "rare". If only we could manufacture perfect diamonds to use in microchips... and, incidently, in jewelry if we wanted to bankrupt the corrupt diamond mogul De Beers. link via alas a blog

Great before and after satellite images of the blacked-out area at the NOAA website. via Slashdot

Mark Evanier has a math problem for pollsters. Gotta love it. He also continues to go insane.

Fred Hembeck has posted his own power outage story on his website... but it's not what you might expect. Then again, this is Hembeck, so I'm not sure what anyone would expect.

Here's a thought, if you think you will be offended by Mel Gibson's new movie, instead of giving it free publicity by protesting it, why don't you just not go see it? I seem to recall my mom telling me when "Last Temptation of Christ" came out that it was probably not a good movie for someone of our religion, so we would quietly avoid it. The key word is "quietly". If you make a big deal about avoiding it, then people will go see it just to see what the fuss is about. As an added bonus, if you quietly avoid it then you can go see it without guilt if you later learn you were wrong about it.

A somewhat frightening post on turning tables about how a mistake by a kid in an airport caused a sensation among troops in Iraq.

Snopes is right on top of a scammer spam that I got this morning. It helped that I don't have a Citibank account, so I knew it was spam right away...

Tomorrow: Another sketch for my sketchbook! And hopefully a couple of reviews, if I finish writing them.