Saturday, August 16, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 13 August 2003 - Part IV

Amazing Spider-Man #56/497: Wow. I wasn't expecting an entirely different angle on vigilantism. And yet, here we go again, getting more than expected from this book. Only thing missing is someone playing "thump". Wow. 4 1/2 starfish

Aquaman #9: Oh what I wouldn't give for a better artist on this book! Guichet is competent, but not inspired. There is a great story surging out of these pages, but the art is holding it back. As for the story, with Manta as an uncertain ally, and Tempest taking on other chores, and Vulko battling Atlantis from within... this whole series has taken a turn for the better, and I'm just enjoying the ride these last three issues is going to provide. Oh yeah, and there's a great bit between Sweeney and an unexpected guest star. By the way, the cover is great. It's by Ethan Van Sciver. 4 starfish

Still to review: the Batman Archives (haven't finished it yet), Miranda 2 and 3 (just arrived in the mail, review of #1 is here), and The Aquaman Chronicles #10, which has a lot more in it than I realized. Next week's books, if they all come, are: Batman Adventures, Birds of Prey, Cinnamon, JLA Scary Monsters, and Arrowsmith. Finally, a small week.