Monday, September 29, 2003

No Baby Eric. Yet.

I was going to post Eric's baby picture here today. I scanned it recently, since Eric and his collegues were having a "guess the person from their baby picture" contest on the line. I guess the contest got delayed a bit, though, so I can't post the image in case any of his co-workers are watching. So, any Marysville Junior High School teachers actually reading this?

Anyway... since I can't post Eric's picture, I thought I'd post my baby picture again. I've altered the image a little, but I don't think baby-me minds too much.

I also spent a pleasant half-hour on the phone with the husband of a friend of my mom. I meant to talk with my mom's friend, but she didn't get home, and her husband knows who I am anyway from back in our Prodigy days. He's a fellow Doctor Who fan (yes, I told him the news about the show). And he and his wife happen to live in Marysville with children in the Marysville school district. It was good to hear a parent's perspective on the strike. Like most of the parents I've talked with on-line, he thinks the administration is rotten. His other thoughts helped me see the situation more clearly. While my opinion on the district administration hasn't changed a whit, I do feel a little more educated about the problems. I desperately needed that alternate view, and it helped a LOT.

And now, since you are all sick of my strike blogging anyway, I think I'll finish blogging for the day...