Saturday, September 20, 2003

No End In Sight - Marysville Teacher Strike Update

The district continues to fail to bargain in good faith, claiming they don't have any money (because they spent it all on expensive trips, dinners, and free laptops for the school board members) to give teachers a fair contract. The latest offer, that had been "restructured so no teacher would lose pay" actually produces a pay loss for a significant number of teachers. The district is lying yet again.

For anyone looking for real information about the strike (and I keep getting hit by searches for it), there are a number of good places: the Marysville parents message board is a nice place to start, then visit The Marysville Education Association Website. While the Herald's message boards are frightening, the Everett Herald's Marysville section usually has one article or letter each day about it. If you want more of the teacher view, go to The MSD Commons. And if you want lying propaganda from the overpaid School District Administration, go to The Marysville School District Website. Of course, this is all my opinion, as I'm just the wife of a first-year teacher.

The district has cancelled classes for all next week, and claims that they will be demanding that the mediator call meetings every day. But there will be no solution until the district offers teachers a fair deal that doesn't involve a pay cut to any teachers. In the meantime, students are organizing a sit-in to try and get the adults to talk to each other. And parents are trying to get the school board to meet with them, but the school board refuses to address parents concerns or even meet with parents, claiming that the "advocate" parents don't represent the students. Who do they represent, then, Santa Claus? In short, the district refuses to budge because they will lose their cash cow if they do.