Friday, January 23, 2004

Random Thoughts

Via Johnny B, a link to The 100 Most Annoying Things of 2003. Not bad. I agree with most of it. I won't tell you which ones I disagreed with.

From Neil Gaiman, not only does Fred the Cat get some exercise, but folks translate the l33t message he got with amusing results.

You can now send a message to Julie Schwartz through Mark Evanier. Send along your best wishes.

Peter David hears those sweet words that every father waits to hear from his baby.

Eve Tushnet blows away the comics bloggers with her analysis of Watchmen. Now, if only I could write that well.

I want to take a moment to thank everyone who linked to/commented about/e-mailed me about my little rave of the original Red Tornado. I got considerably more response to that post than I was expecting. I just wanted to put back into her original context, I'm glad I struck a chord somewhere. Thanks.

The Comic Treadmill reviews Aquaman 13 and 14. In the meantime, excitement is building for the start of Will Pfeifer's new run, with in-house ads running in pretty much every DC book featuring that gorgeous Alan Freakin' Davis cover. There's also a sneak peek at DC's Aquaman mini-site so folks can see more of the interior artwork.

Dirk Deppey at Journalista! reports on Wal-Mart attempting to destroy the comics market (last item), like it's destroyed so many others. Knowing what Wal-Mart is and does, I wouldn't buy from them if they offered every trade at one cent apiece. I'll continue to support local shops, thank you much. Some cheap deals come at too high a price.

Sidewalk Chalk Artwork that fools the eyes. I saw something similar to this on-line, but with classical themes, not long ago, too. These are just cool... via Various and Sundry.

Another painful trauma post by Doc Shazam. Her life is one of seeing these patients come in, but she doesn't always get to see what happens next. She's not in a TV show, she doesn't get to wrap it up at the end of the episode. That's the hardest thing about reading her blog, but her ability with words makes it worth it. Go. Look.