Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Bugs in Mozilla

So I downloaded the latest beta of Mozilla because I was told it was much faster than the last build, and speed is something I love on-line. 99% of what I've tried on it works great, but there is one really annoying bit. When I go into Blogger to write a new post, the editing field doesn't show up properly.

Now, I'd report this as a bug, but a) I don't know if it's really a bug or a coding problem on the part of Blogger and b) I don't know exactly how I would go about reporting it. I mean, saying "The editing field in Blogger doesn't show up properly" wouldn't help worth a fig, but I'm not sure I could decipher the code enough to figure out what is wrong. It would appear to have something to do with frames, but I can't tell for sure.

Anyway, the beta is faster, but not so much that I notice a major improvement. I would go back to whatever I was on last, but I installed the beta in my regular directory (I know, I know) and I didn't keep a copy of the older build. Ah well, maybe I'll just keep up with the latest builds for awhile and see if the problem gets fixed.