Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Random Thoughts

Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Long ago, when I was but a wee little girl, I used to find four-leaf clovers. All the time. I was told they gave luck, and I assumed in my little girl way that because I never had any trouble finding them, that meant I was full o' luck. I have had a very lucky life. That may have run out yesterday, we'll soon learn for sure, but perhaps I ought to go look at some clover today. I think hubby and I could use a little luck.

Over two hundred hits yesterday on my archive page that Neil Gaiman linked to... wow. And he didn't write that post until 4 pm! I still want to compare and contrast Coraline to The Wizard of Oz. There is a really good essay in that, I just don't know if I have it in me to write it.

If you haven't visited it, you need to check out tebeos contra la violencia, a page set up to remember the 11-M victims in Madrid. Via The Paper Jail. Oh yeah: "tebeos" = "comic books/comics"; "contra" = "against"; "la violencia" = "violence". Three years of High School Spanish, some of it sticks with me.

Mark Evanier directs us to this wonderful Map Test. I didn't do well on my first try, but on my second try I got everything but Connecticut in before the time ran out. I'm ashamed to admit I kept messing up Arizona and New Mexico. I was surprised at how well I did on the New England states, though. Living out here in the West, I figured I would completely mess up on those, but I didn't do half bad.

Mercury Studios, home of a great many very cool artists, now has a blog. It's mostly Steve Lieber, but definitely worth checking out. Via Jeff Parker.