Monday, March 22, 2004

Random Thoughts

Blah. Must get taste of politics out of my mouth.

So, just downloaded this week's shipping list and was happy to see some things added from last week's pre-list. I'll be getting: Wildguard (final issue!), Conan, Birds of Prey, Outsiders, Common Grounds, Previews, and the Aquaman's Guide to the Oceans book from DK publishing. It's going to be a fun week for comics.

Chris Brown has finished most of his Wizard World LA reporting: Day One, Day Two, and Day Three. His report about Aquaman was a talk with Bob Wayne, who "said that sales are picking up on Aquaman with the new creators on the book, and plan on keeping them around." Excellent! Chris also got a "furry" Aquaman sketch from Silent Forest artist Tiki Soma, which I'm looking forward to seeing on his blog.

Elayne Riggs points us to the Six Patron Saints of Graphic Design.

Johnny B has his weekly comic book reviews up.

Some parts of the comics blogosphere flared up in temporary annoyance when Marvel's solicits came on-line and one of the mini-series solicited is entitled Identity Disc. The reason this annoys? Because DC is pushing a much-hyped mini-series starting the same month called Identity Crisis. Rumors are everything from Marvel ripping off the plot (doubtful) to tweaking the title at the last minute just to irritate DC (more likely). Whatever the truth is, I'll be getting the DC book, but not the Marvel.