Sunday, March 21, 2004


I have updated my bookshop page to include a few more of my reviews. It's not much, but it's a fun little project. My ultimate goal with that page has always been to group reviews of some of my favorite books in one place, so I'm glad to be making a little bit of progress on it.

Many thanks to the people who have bought books through my search box or through the site... there have been far more hits and purchases the last few months than in all the years previous. I may actually get a whole $6 out of it this quarter if I'm lucky! Of course, any money I get through the shop will go to buying myself more books from my wishlist. I can barely wait to read the sequel to Persepolis, for instance, and maybe the credit will go toward that. I don't think I'll get enough to afford Angel, but I can dream...

Anyway, again, thank you.