Monday, July 19, 2004

Random Thoughts

You can make iPod speakers from Altoid tins.

Oh, to have this problem. Heh.

Thought Ballons has more on Graphix, the new graphic novel line from Scholastic. I met a fellow fan in the comic shop today (the comic shop is right next to the camera shop, so I stopped in) who was looking for "the big book" that collected all of Bone. I mentioned that I was thinking of getting the Scholastic reprints, and he said it was just too weird an idea to him, having them in color... and that a lot would depend on how good the colorist is.

Speaking of the camera shop... I stopped in to check out the possibilities of batteries, and stepped out with a charger and two sets of rechargables. Add in the 256MB SD card we got for it earlier, and we're pretty much set for any picture-taking I might decide to do.

If you live in the Seattle area, remember to bring your camera and go to the Ballard Locks on Sunday, August 1st, at 1 pm for a peaceful (and perfectly legal) protest against the abuse of Ian Spiers and Homeland Security laws.

And lastly, here's a picture from Nancy's Garden.