Sunday, July 18, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 14 July 2004 - Part IV

PS238: With Liberty and Recess For All: Go get it. I'll wait. Go on. Buy a copy. Your local store doesn't have it? Go here. Order it. This collection has issues 0-5, and a couple of very small extras. If you already have the individual issues, there isn't a lot to entice you... except the nice sturdy format that will make lending it out to friends easier. And it reads just as well on the twentieth reading as it did on the first. If you haven't been introduced to this school for the children of superheroes, then you are missing out big-time. The clean art and the fun sense of humor make for one of the best books currently on the market, if not THE best. Go get it. Go on. It's worth it. 4 1/2 starfish

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Vol 1: We picked this one up for reasons which are lost to me, but I'm glad we did. There are three stories in this one, including one that made me think "Aquaman? Aquaman is in the Star Wars universe?" I'll let you guess which story that was. These are solid little tales, nothing super special, but certainly fun, and far superior to the recent movies, sad to say. 3 1/2 starfish

Seamonsters & Superheroes #5: A friend put this in front of me when I walked into the store the other day, opened to the last page. That would be the "Thanks" page, which I managed to get onto through no effort of my own except perhaps blogging about Cells. This is an adult tale that switches around between two couples very poor relationships. I can't say I was impressed with the sex, but the dynamics of the relations were an oddly compelling read. And even when the subject matter isn't something I enjoy, Scott Mills artwork is easy on the eye. He puts in just enough detail to tell the tale and convey all the information you need. Worth a flip through, though you might want to find something else by Mills first. 3 1/2 starfish

Still to review: Aquaman.