Sunday, July 18, 2004

In Support of Ian

Now that I have a camera, going to The Locks for a peaceful protest is going to be more exciting. I mean, it's much better when you can actually take pictures when that's the whole point of the exercise. I wonder if I can get a tripod before then?

If you haven't heard the story, Ian Spiers, a photography student, was harassed by police when taking pictures for a photography assignment. Even though he had proof of identity and details about his class assignment, he continued to be harassed. Even though he had permission to take photos, he was still harassed. His story has been picked up by the media, with even The AP covering it.

A bunch of Seattle residents are going to meet at the Locks on August 1st, at 1 pm, with cameras. Hopefully we'll get some press, and remind the city that we don't accept either racial profiling or abuse of the Homeland Security laws.

So, two weeks from today... Ballard Locks in Seattle... bring a camera...