Friday, July 23, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 21 July 2004 - Part I

So I'm blogging from the conference center during the talks and presentations. Yes, the Oz convention has talks about Oz... I'm not as interested as hubby-Eric, though, so here are a few comic book reviews for your enjoyment.

Simpson's Classics #1: This is a reprint of the original Simpson's comic book, in oversized format. My husband jumped at the chance to collect the older books, and it's a quarterly so it doesn't overburden the order form at all. I don't really have much to say about it. The stories are very Simpson-y, the production values are good, and it's a nice package all told. We'll keep getting it, but it's really more of Eric's thing than mine. 3 1/2 starfish

Plastic Man #8: Hmmm. In JLA, Plastic Man had a wife and son with whom Batman assisted him in one little memorable story. In this issue of Plastic Man's own book it seems that we're finally going to get that strange little problem addressed. Then it turns into the usual farce. There was some promise there, and it might return in future issues, but ultimately I'm just neutral on this book again. 3 starfish

Batman Adventures #16: I loved the back-up story. Anyone who liked the old Poison Ivy will know why. The main story wasn't too bad, but it was the back-up that really made this book for me. 4 starfish

Still to review: Birds of Prey, Smallville, DC Presents Green Lantern, Outsiders, Seaguy, Demo, and Ursula.