Friday, September 03, 2004

Rapid Reviews - A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 8: The Hostile Hospital

coverThe Hostile Hospital (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 8) by Lemony Snicket: In some ways the formula has been thrown completely away in this book. The ending is certainly different than any of the other books, as it's a true cliff-hanger. I'm enjoying Sunny's words more in this book. At the beginning, her words were true nonsense. As the book progress, though, we're getting everything from more nonsense to words that mean something similiar to the concept she's trying to convey in another language. It's really quite funny. And this series would be a definite vocabulary builder for kids. It's the kind of series I would have loved to read when I was young, because all the new words would have made me feel smarter, and Snicket puts in enough context that you don't often have to hit the dictionary to figure out the meaning. So next up is "Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography". This ought to be fun. 4 starfish