Thursday, December 23, 2004

Feeling Morbid

While watching the History Channel special on the Seven Wonders of the World, I thought of what I want to leave behind when I leave this world. Not a lot, really. I'd like a very nice, very durable, plaque on a large stone with my name and dates and some fitting epitaph. I'm sure I'll think of something fitting if I live long enough. Behind the plaque, in a small and extremely secure chamber, I'd like to leave behind a small DNA sample of some sort. Yeah, I don't know how to make it last, but that's what I'd like. My body I'd like cremated, and maybe scattered in the ocean. Frankly, I've seen far too many horror movies to want to leave behind a rotting corpse. Preferably, I would share my plaque with hubby-Eric, and my ashes would be scattered with his.