Thursday, December 23, 2004

My Feets Are Killin' Me

Retail at Christmastime is not fun. My feet hurt, my head aches, and I can never tell if that person who wants a refund (we only do exchanges, no refunds) is scamming us or genuinely needs to get her money back. I do my best to make everyone's holiday great: I've been on the phone with stores all over Seattle trying to find presents for customers who came too late to get the ones we had in stock up until yesterday. While we get a much better class of customer in our store than regular retail (I shudder to think of the poor saps working at Toys R Us this time of year), we still get a rude person once in awhile. And it takes just about everything I have to hold it all together and be polite after dealing with just one person who is miserable and wants to share the misery.

Only five more hours, though. Noon to five tomorrow.

At least I enjoy this job far more than my previous one.