Friday, June 24, 2005

Rapid Reviews - 22 June 2005 - Part I

Teen Titans #25: "The Insiders Part III": Well, this seems like it was setup a long time ago, and is finally coming to a conclusion. Good. I'm not really enjoying this storyarc now, and I plan on dumping this book very soon, so it's a good thing the crossovers are ending. 2 starfish

New Avengers #6: "Breakout!" part six: This is the final issue in the formation of the new Avengers team... which is kinda pathetic as we've already seen the team in action in Amazing Spider-Man. Seems it had a but of a delay. And this one makes as much sense as most superhero comics lately. Which is to say it's not horrible, but it's not very great either. 2 1/2 starfish

Conan #17: "The City of Thieves": Another great adventure in the life of Conan. This one shows his first big adventure in the big city, as he's hanging out in Zamora and learning to be a serious thief. This one has all the usual action, and some nice plot elements that just make it all the better. If you like Conan, get this book. 3 starfish

Phantom #7: "The Aviatrix" part one of two: This is a MASSIVE improvement over the last couple of issues. The difference is night and day. This issue is GREAT. There's a bit of Phantom's history, a bit of his family, a decent little fight, and a strong plot in both senses of the word. Well worth checking out. 3 1/2 starfish