Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Kidney Saga part 25

After we got home from the Department of Licensing yesterday, I settled into bed to rest. Inkwell, who had not finished his kibble, settled in on my feet and slept on me for a couple of hours. When I got up to use the toilet, he followed me into the bathroom and then just stared at a towel. I was a little concerned, so I called my sister up and asked "WHO BROKE MY CAT???"

But by the time I got back into bed, Inkwell had vanished. Eric and Lisa looked around and finally found him sitting in a closet. They took him downstairs to the kibble to see if he'd reset... which he thankfully did. Once he started eating again he got normal fairly quickly. Then he came up and sat on me some more until dinnertime.

He's been very clingy to me, but with three extra humans in the house I'm sure he's a little discombobulated.

As for me, I woke up at 2am this morning feeling fine. I mean, FINE. I felt like I could jump up and run around the house. I restrained myself. But at Eric's usual wake-up time I found myself really wanting to read a magazine. I haven't been able to read much of anything without strain for more than a week, so I wasn't sure it would work. But I had a magazine, and I turned on the light, and I was able to read. The relief was intense. I actually cried.

I have a little energy, but as soon as my body says, "slow down" I've been relaxing back into my chair/bed and stopping whatever I was doing. The result is that I've been able to read a little and I feel mostly comfortable.

I have a doctor's appointment at 4. Until then I'm going to struggle with not overdoing it. Wish me luck!

Full Kidney Saga