Thursday, February 20, 2020

Kidney Saga part 26

Well, I'm very glad I had a lot of energy yesterday morning, because by the end of my doctor appointments I was completely wiped and ready to just collapse.

The lupus doctor was first, and she said I have not been making enough progress, which we already knew. She also said I've been on the full-strength Prednisone too long and need to taper off no matter what, so we cut my dosage down by half a pill.

Since the main medicine it still too much for me, they are switching me to a slow-release formula that will hopefully have the same effects but be a bit more gentle. They would prefer the aggressive method, but it just isn't working. It's the same medication, and in about three weeks we'll know if the change is enough or if we will have to switch to the older type of medicine - which has nastier side effects.

We asked about Emerald City Comicon, and the consensus is that I can go if I have the strength, but I absolutely must wear a mask to protect me from general infection and must constantly wash and sanitize hands to protect from viruses. They both said a wheelchair is a good idea, and the kidney doctor noted I should probably wear a mask whenever I go out in public anyway, as long as I'm taking the various immune suppressants. So I gotta find some masks, which are in short supply right now due to people wrongly thinking they will protect against the coronavirus (hot tip: wash your hands for that).

Hubby-Eric got taken to dinner by the family, going to the new Denny's in town. I'm actually looking forward to the day I can go to the Denny's, although I suspect that's still some time away from me. While at the lupus doctor my taste buds said, "wouldn't a double bacon cheeseburger with a chocolate shake taste good right now?" and my stomach said, "oh, no, no no no no, that would be awful," while doing a backflip and my kidneys said, "you're kidding, right?" and my taste buds said, "I just wanna taste it!" in defense. But yeah, my appetite is not for heavy foods right now. I wouldn't mind a taste, but the idea of actually putting such food in me is overwhelmingly horrible.

Inkwell continued to be clingy, even this morning as he listened to the family head out for home. He continued to sleep on me all morning, and gave me some aggressive purr therapy as well. When I opened the door to let him into the bedroom this morning he gave me a stern talking-to before insisting I lay down to get meowsaged. It was very cute. He seems to have grasped that the family is gone, but isn't sure if they will suddenly reappear, so he's sticking close.

Hopefully I'll regain some strength later today, but for now I'm just struggling to get through my list of things that need to be done (mostly which pills I need to take, and when). I'll probably sleep most of the rest of the day away. Maybe, if I have the energy, I'll start looking for supplies I'll need for ECCC and make up an Amazon wish list to keep track. I'll call it my "Kidney List".

Full Kidney Saga