Friday, August 27, 2004

Friday Fitness Blogging

  • Weight = No reading
  • Met Exercise Goal? Yes
    Goal was fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Current Exercise Goal = fifteen minutes a day (walk/bike/swim) at least six days.
  • Kept food diary? Yes.

I'm actually doing really well with the exercise. Better than I expected to. I'm watching one episode of a sci-fi or fantasy TV show per exercise session, and that's got me up to almost 30 minutes a day on average. I'm still missing some days due to other events in real life, but for the most part I've been keeping it up.

According to my journal for the last week: Friday - 30 minutes, Saturday - 33 minutes, Sunday - 31 minutes, Monday - no exercise (except for walking around Safeco field), Tuesday - 31 minutes, Wednesday - 30 minutes, and Thursday - 30 minutes. Not bad at all. I'm just worried that I'll run out of TV shows to watch. I've got season one of Buffy and season one of Farscape up, then I'll probably move on to season two of Buffy. I've got, what, seven seasons of Buffy and three more seasons of Angel and Farscape each? That should keep me going for awhile. But I may have to ask for suggestions for another series to hunt down after I get through more of these.

As for having no scale reading today, that's because I'm at the Pugless House, which doesn't have a working scale, and I didn't bring the scale from home because it isn't that important. I'm happy to be keeping with the exercising, so a weigh-in may only detract from that.