Thursday, September 23, 2004

Rapid Reviews - Library Books

coverUnshelved by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum: This is a collection of the cool webcomic I've been reading and enjoying for awhile now. This is a solid first collection that introduces us to the characters. While all the strips appear to be available on-line, it was particularly fun to check this one out from the library. For obvious reasons. And I enjoyed it quite a bit, too.

Of particular interest to me was the October 18th 2002 strip which contains untranslated Braille. Yes, I did go and hunt for information until I could roughly translate it. No, I'm not going to tell you what it says.

A fun book for anyone, but it hits home particularly well for anyone who works with the public. 4 starfish

coverUnshelved: What Would Dewey Do? by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum: Special guest star librarian action figure Nancy Pearl! Another great collection of a really cool webcomic.

Pretty much all of the book was good, but I liked the extras in the back from a library conference and the "how we make the strip" comic. I also liked their Banned Books Week storyline in which patrons of the library could ban any book they wanted to. There was also a fun "Patriot Act" storyline.

Overall, an excellent collection, and one that any librarian ought to read. 4 starfish

By the way, this is the last strip in the second book. So, once you've read both books, just click forward and you can get up-to-date on the strip. But I recommend getting the books. I sure will once I have some money again.