Friday, October 01, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 29 September 2004 - Part III

Smallville [4-02]: Gone: Well, that plotline was resolved much faster than I expected it to be resolved. I'm not sure I like it, either. The thought that Lois in this universe couldn't connect Clark to Superman is laughable, by the way. She didn't only see him without his glasses, she also saw "little Clark" as she put it. Not a great episode, but certainly watchable. That's naked Clark in two episodes in a row... will they make it three? 3 1/2 starfish

Futurama #19: Well, that was one way to end the story. I'm always left vaguely dissatisfied with this book, and that's where I'm at with this issue. 3 starfish

JLA #106: The cover promises "No More Pain!" and I hope that's the case. This is the last issue of this incredibly poor storyarc, right? Anyway, not much worth commenting on here. Superman continues to stalk, and brings in the rest of the JLA to stalk with him. This was marginally better than the last issue, but that's still not saying much. 2 1/2 starfish

Amazing Spider-Man #71/512: What little I know about the mythos of Spider-Man makes this issue a definite "wow". And all the little technical details are explained within the issue so a slight Spidey fan like me is able to keep up. Pretty good. 4 starfish

Superman #209: I got this thinking that the cliff-hanger featuring Aquaman in the last issue might lead to Aquaman being in this issue as well. Ha. That would make narrative sense! No Aquaman in this one. At least there is a story in this issue, unlike the last issue. Not a good one, but there's one in there. 3 starfish

Tune in next week...