Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Are You For Peace? You Could Be Arrested

Man arrested for refusing to take off 'give peace a chance' T-Shirt. While it's probably not as simple as that, though it sure looks like it, the fact that the guy was apparently arrested for his opinion should worry any intelligent person.

I haven't gone out and protested the war publicly. I haven't even put up a sign on my house, though I printed one out thinking I would. The only outward protests I've offered have been here on this blog. But I tell you, hearing about this guy's arrest has definitely made me more inclined to go out and protest. The day Americans aren't allowed to have and express their opinions is the day we are no longer free.

I support the troops. I even generally am willing to support the government. But this war is just plain wrong. I find it hard to understand how anyone with any semblance of a conscience could support this war. I can't see how anyone with a mote of intelligence could believe the lies being thrown at us by the ruling party (I mean, duct tape? Hello? Anyone have brains left at the top?). The fact that many Americans actually support military action confuses me. I know Americans are stupid, but are we really that stupid? We've been fed so many lies that we're gagging, doesn't anybody notice?

I don't know what the answer is. I know that people being arrested for expressing their opinion peacefully is a truly frightening thing that shouldn't be happening in a free country. But then, perhaps thanks to the so-called Patriot Act, maybe we aren't free at all any more.