Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Rapid Reviews - 5 Mar 2003 - Part I

Spectre #27: Final Issue. This was a book with a message and it kept repeating the message in the hopes that the audience would get it. At least there was also a little plot there, so the message only mostly overran the issue instead of being the entire story. 2 1/2 starfish

Green Lantern #160: An in-betweener issue, setting up several plots. Not a lot of real happenings, but lots to interest the modern Lantern fan. 3 starfish

Way of the Rat #11: While this issue was, once again, mostly fighting, it was also terribly good with several characters finally showing their abilities all at once fighting a common foe. I really liked this one. 4 starfish

Still to Review: Powers, Young Justice, and Aquaman.