Monday, January 12, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 7 January 2004 - Part III

Common Grounds #1: Two strong stories about super-powered beings who meet at a coffee shop. The first is a wee bit depressing... having superspeed has some superdownsides. The second is really funny. The last place you expect people to be sitting and talking. I really liked it. 4 starfish

Supreme Power #6: This is a talky issue that doesn't introduce any other characters, but adds a lot to the existing cast. We get to the heart of the problem with Hyperion... he needs something to give his life reason. Something more than simply following government orders. It's not a bad issue, but it's not terribly exciting. 3 1/2 starfish

That's it for this week. Next week: Secret Identity, Aquaman, Fallen Angel, Green Arrow, H-E-R-O, Zatanna's Search, Hawkman, Thor, 1602, and Way of the Rat. If everything shows.