Monday, March 29, 2004

Amy Unbounded

coverI haven't seen a new Amy Unbounded mini-comic in a long, long time, so I wrote to Rachel Hartman to see if everything is ok. I was afraid that money problems or something had forced her to abandon Amy, but it was something much more pleasant: "...I had a baby last summer and we moved to Vancouver last fall." Well! That definitely puts a different spin on things!

So, congrats to Rachel on her baby boy, and on the move to one of the nicest places on earth.

If you want to order her mini-comics, you'd best e-mail her (the address is on the website) and get her new mailing address. Either that, or order the trade from

So, in case you didn't read the comments on this note, Rachel has a wonderful parent blog: Milkbreath and Me. It's mostly about raising a baby, but it's a fun read. And hey, gotta have something to fill the time while waiting for the next Amy Unbounded mini-comic, might as well be stuff from the creator of Amy, eh? Thank you, Rose, for the hot tip.