Monday, March 29, 2004

Random Thoughts

Ah... I opened all the doors and windows, turned off the air purifier, and am letting the air outside heat up the house. It's considerably warmer outside than in... I'd say it's about 50 °F inside, and it's topping 75 °F outside. We've got a genuine Seattle heat wave on!

I went down to the comic shop and contributed $20 for Free Comic Book Day. From looking at the retailer order form, I think that is enough to cover any free comics I get (I hope to get all the Gold and Silver sponsored comics) with a bit extra to support the store. The comics cost the retailer anything from 12 cents for the cheapest to one that was 79 cents per issue. If I understood the form correctly (and I admit I may not have) retailers must order $5 worth of each Gold Sponsor book they order, but can order the Silver Sponsor books in any quantities. They get Bronze Sponsor books in relation to how many Gold Sponsor books they order.

Elayne points us to this great error page that you admittedly have to sit and watch for a bit, but I think it's worth it. A lot of fun. Also via Elayne comes the news that Leah Adezio's son has been accepted into a prestigious engineering program! Congrats to both Leah and Stephen!

Here's a good summary of the current CrossGen situation. I know that Robin still hasn't been paid, nor has CrossGen apologized to him for their slander/libel against him. Yes, I still buy CrossGen... but I haven't forgotten what they did to Robin. Not for an instant. Lately I've wanted CrossGen to recover more so they can pay off the people they owe than for any other reason. As nice as it would be to have a viable comic book company that focuses on non-superhero books, I would prefer an honest company to one that lies about its freelancers. And we're down to only two CrossGen books. If Steve Epting leaves El Cazador, I'm inclined to drop it (and yes, I've heard the rumor)... and Abadazad is more of a hubby book than mine. Via John Jakala.

Shane at Near Mint Heroes is posting his collection of Blue Beetle sketches.

If you like Jerry Seinfeld, here's some more Superman commercials featuring him. Er, American Express commercials... with Superman. You know what I mean.

Look out Aquaman: Sea 'dead zones' threaten fish. Basically, there are areas in the oceans that have been deprived of oxygen due to algae growth caused by human activity. Fish can't live in those areas. And the areas are growing. Ironically, many of the dead zones are caused by fertilizer being washed into the ocean... fertilizer that is desperately needed to grow food in other parts of the world. This is a problem that can only be solved with a lot of cooperation, which probably means it's not going to be solved.

The mystery of the baby dragon in a jar has been revealed as publicity for a book.

From the New York Times, Hans Blix on Bush and Cheney: What was Bush like? "He made on me a boyish impression. He was agile, moving, moving in the chair, especially compared to Cheney." Who, I suppose, seems more wooden. "Yes, the rumors that Cheney is alive are somewhat exaggerated. It's Mark Twain in reverse." BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

Read this article on e-voting, then make sure you request a paper ballot instead of trusting your vote to an easily changed computer. If there is no paper trail for a recount, it's a fraud, not an election. Period.

Check out BlackBoxVoting and Verified Voting to see evidence of voting fraud being committed by companies selling voting machines, and to get active and prevent corporations from taking away your right to vote.