Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Challenge for Comic Book Fans

Ok, some of you are following the comments thread of my 'Answers' post in which Aunty is asking about comic books. Here's a key quote: Can I assume there are comics for just about everything? She should be able to assume that...

Here's the challenge. Aunty does not like "mature" books. Nothing that would get an "R" rating as a movie. Even "PG-13" is iffy. The genres she enjoys are science fiction, spy novels, and historical novels. She isn't interested in Prince Valiant.

Your challenge - name five comic books that you think would be of interest to Aunty. Bonus points if you can also tell her an easy way to find the book (ie a link to order on-line). Use the comments link to make your suggestions, and if you are feeling bold you can even explain why you think each book would be appropriate to Aunty.

Now, anyone who wants to find a comic book shop, there's a nifty Comic Shop Locator on-line, a service of Diamond (comic book distributors). I've already checked Aunty's zip and she has a shop relatively near, but I'm not sure how likely she is to visit them. Heh. I don't think Spawn is really Aunty's thing.

Why am I challenging you? Because I can't think of five books I would recommend to Aunty. Not off the top of my head. Heck, I can't even think of any good Science Fiction comic book from the last few years. Maybe the comics blogosphere in general can do much better.
