Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Feeding the RSS

Elayne mentioned that she had set up an RSS feed, and in the comments section, andante mentioned that he uses Bloglines to read RSS blogs, so I had to check it out.

If you have any curiousity about RSS feeds but are afraid to tackle the various software problems, try this service! It's ridiculously simple to set up, then you just add the blogs you want to check. My RSS feed is here, should you want to add me. And if you have a feed, let me know. I think I'm going to be reading some blogs this way in the future.

And if you are using blogspot to blog, setting up a site feed is really pretty simple. Go to your blog settings, click on the "Site Feed" tab, and set it to "Yes". It'll show you the URL, you just make a link to that somewhere on your site, and you're good to go. Yeah, I should have mentioned this to Elayne back when Johnny showed me how.