Sunday, March 28, 2004

Flipping Through Previews...

NOTE: If you aren't interested in my Previews overview (I know it's very long), you can skip to my Saturday Sketch ™.

Yes, it's that time again... time for "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". I'm going to start with the bulk of the book, and then come back and cover the "big four" at the end. Please remember, I'm listing what looks interesting. My actual purchase list is going to be much smaller. The numbers after each title are usually the page number in Previews Magazine, so you can follow along at home.

Let's start with the covers. The main cover is of DC's Identity Crisis, featuring a number of DC heroes with a casket. Art by Michael Turner. Who's the guy on the far left, Elongated Man? The others I recognize: Black Canary, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Superman at center, Batman, Flash, Hawkman, and Zatanna. I like Superman's spit curl. The other cover is of Samurai Executioner from the same creators of Lone Wolf & Cub (I have all 28 volumes of LW&C). This will be a ten volume series, and I hope hubby-Eric lets me get the whole set. Very, very cool.

Moving on, let's hit the Splash Page (8-9). A lot of what's listed here is interesting, but the highlights are The Grey Area from Image by the former Amazing Spider-Man artist John Romita Jr. This is a creator-owned project about a bad cop die and go... good? Looks like a fun ride, and at only three issues worth checking out. Identity Crisis is also highlighted. Like we haven't already heard about this one before. The only other thing I'm going to mention is Walt Disney's Vacation Parade #1, with a restored cover from an old Disney book. This looks amazing.

Jumping past the big four into the main section, starting with Wizard, we see a full page ad with Identity Crisis artwork. Um. Ok, looks like this is going to be difficult to get away from.

Wow. Nothing of interest from About Comics for me this month.

Next up would be AIT/Planet Lar (214). Yup, it's another issue of Demo. I will read some of those someday, somehow.

Amaze Ink/Slave Labor has a strange-looking title called Emily and the Intergalactic Lemonade Stand (216). Full-color, digest size... this could be a good one for kids? Also listed is Street Angel #2 (219). Is this the book that the comics blogosphere recently went bananas for?

Amazing Moon Factory has Amazing Adventures From Zoom's Academy TP (220). Is this a collection of the comic, or is this something new? Both hubby and I are mildly interested in it. There's apparently a movie and a series of novels coming out related to this one, too.

Angry Dog Press has another issue of their anthology that supports the CBLDF coming out: Potlatch #3 (224).

As usual, Antarctic Press has some books worth mentioning. First up is the collection of Assembly (224). This was a decent mini, with a Manga feel to it. Nice artwork, very odd at times. If you are curious, you can buy the collection now. Since I mentioned the first two, I'll mention Dictators: Hitler #3 which visits "The Party Leader". And if you are interested in Rod Espinosa's Neotopia, there are two pocket Manga size volumes to get now to give it a tryout (225).

Moving on to Arcana Studio, I feel my willpower giving in to the desire to read it... yes, I will order Ant #1 - 2nd Printing (226). I cannot fight it any longer!

If anything stands out in the Archie Comics section (228), it's that summer is coming and girls are going to be wearing bikinis.

Avatar Press is putting out the second issue of Rich Johnson's Holed Up (237). I still don't see the appeal of a comic set in Idaho. I've been to Idaho. There is nothing appealing about it.

Beckett Comics (240) is putting out more of Ruule. I didn't like the promotional issue my shop got of the first series, and I don't know that I would enjoy this, but it's worth pointing out that Ruule: Kiss & Tell #1 is only 99 cents. I may not have enjoyed the books, but these folks really know how to promote.

Black Inc! Imprints had a solicitation that caught my eye for Menthu #1 (240): "...a pro football player... learns that his father... is ancient Egypt's god of war." That's very nearly enough to get me to order it. Question is, will there be much football, or will it mostly be about his journey of self-discovery?

If you know about Classics Illustrated, did you know about the effort to reprint many of the books? I saw some in my comic store recently and almost gave in to the desire to pick one or two up. I still may. However, hubby-Eric will definitely be getting Classic Illustrated Jr #535: The Wizard of Oz (247) despite owning the original.

Committed Comics has a hilarious-looking book set in "Neo Seattle, 2073" Man, that's just twistedly wonderful. Check out Java #1 (249) and see what happened when coffee becomes one of the earth's most valuable commodities! *giggle*

We are getting nothing from CrossGen for this month.

Devil's Due is one of those publishers I decided I needed to keep a closer eye on once I discovered they were adapting stories from Legends. This time I have to decide if I will get the Hedge Knight TPB (272/276). I'll be watching for collections of The Seventh Shrine and The Wood Boy (273/276).

Dork Storm Press (278) has a couple of items of interest. First off is Attack of the Political Cartoonists TP, complete with an introduction by John McCain. That's a tempting book. Next up is one I STRONGLY recommend for any reader, young or old or somewhere in between: PS238: Volume 1: With Liberty and Recess For All TP. Get it. It's a collection, yes. I have the individual issues, and I plan on getting it so I can loan it out to people. Go, put it on your list. Now. And if you are bold, you can add PS238 #8 (285) to the list also. It will be on ours. And, as a final note, I was quite amused by the title of Nodwick Chronicles Vol 4: Obligatory Dragon on the Cover TP, complete with a dragon on the cover.

Next up is 88MPH Studios which lists Ghostbusters #1 (294) which is the first issue of a planned monthly ongoing. Your mileage may vary.

Fool's Child Comix is listing Headstatic (298) a 256 page book with over 75 stories about comics. This is a Xeric winner.

Gemstone has the already mentioned Walt Disney's Vacation Parade #1 (298), with three "vintage" Carl Barks stories. I'd be tempted to get it just because it features Donald Duck's grandma.

I noticed CSI: Demon House #5 (308) in IDW Publishing's listings, and thought of my sister, who is a CSI fan. Anyone know if the CSI comics have been collected? ... looks like it, from the website. I suppose I'd better ask Lisa if she's interested.

NBM Publishing (315) is listing yet another collection of P Craig Russell opera adaptations. I WANT THEM ALL! *ahem* Someday.

If I knew more about Ron Fortier and Gary Kato, I might be tempted to try out Days of the Dragon #1 (323) by Rorschach Entertainment. Aha! There's a website with samples: Here. This looks like it might be fun... almost has a Pogo-ish look to it.

Ah! Silent Devil Productions is putting out Silent Forest (325), which I wouldn't have heard about a couple of weeks ago, but Chris "Lefty" Brown got a furry Aquaman sketch from one of the artists, Taki Soma. So it gets a mention.

Sirius is putting out more Akiko Pocket Size trades (325). They are a good idea, and I hope they take off.

TwoMorrows Publishing has Modern Masters Volume One: Alan Freakin' Davis (339). Ok, I admit I added the "Freakin'" in there. Anyway, as John Jakala pointed out, this book has some Aquaman stuff that you can't find elsewhere. So any Aquaman fan ought to get it. Yes, I've already ordered it direct from TwoMorrows.

Whew. Through the main comics section, let's move on into the Magazines and Books.

Big Fun Comics Magazine #1 (357) sounds intriguing. Reprints of 50-year-old adventure strips. Could be fun, but the price is off-putting.

In the Books section, at the end (383), there's an ad for DK's Wonder Woman and Aquaman books. It includes the useful knowledge that the paperback of each book is only $3.99. I think I may get the Wonder Woman book after all.

Lots of fun stuff in the Calendar section. I see there's a Hellboy calendar (390), but I don't plan on getting it. I will be getting the Usagi Yojimbo calendar (392), of course. There's a couple of Edward Gorey calendars (393), but I'm not sure I would want them on my wall. There's an Angel calender (396)... my little sister just loaned me the first two DVD of Angel season one. Yes, I plan on reviewing them. But I won't get the calendar. There's a couple of movie calendars of interest, including Harry Potter, Hellboy, and Lord of the Rings (398). There's even a Sea Monkey's calendar (402). I'm mildly interested in the Justice League calendar (402), and more interested in the Mythology: Alex Ross calendar (403). I have doubts that I'll get either.

Moving onward, I like the new Flash: Trio T-Shirt (425), as well as the Sgt Rock T-Shirt. When will Graphitti put out an Aquaman t-shirt?

Very strange logo t-shirts on page 436. Rusting logos for Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman.

Huh. Page 492. Would you want a plush of Bucky Katt?

Upper Deck has a new(?) DC trading card game out (514). Looks like it might be all Batman-related though. Have to wait and see. I hope I can score any Aquaman cards that might be in the set.

Ok, I didn't plan on getting any of the Heroclix from the new Marvel expansion (519), but doesn't Ghost Rider look really cool?

Oooh, two cool Doctor Who stories are coming out on DVD (539), and I want both as soon as possible: The Two Doctors and Curse of Fenric.

Looks like Quantum Leap is finally coming out on DVD (539)... first season will be out in June! And so is The Dukes of Hazard (541). Oh dear. I'm actually mildly tempted. "Marshall, Will and Holly, on a routine expedition..." I don't know, do I want to get the original Land of the Lost (541)???

Ok... I've hit the end of the book and I'm flipping back to the big four sections.

I'll start with Marvel (176) again. I like shaking up the order a little. I was mildly tempted by Powerless and Amazing Fantasy #1, but I'll stick with my usual. That would be Amazing Spider-Man #68 (#509) and Supreme Power #11. I'll be ordering Thor #80 and Thor #81 for my friend, but he might be getting as annoyed as I am by the extra issues.

Going backwards, let's visit Image Comics. I see Common Grounds #6 (165). But, But... Barbarians? (151) looks kind of fun. I'd like to see more of the art before committing to it, though. The Gray Area (141), mentioned way back at the beginning of this post, looks interesting too.

And into DC Comics we go...

In the Direct Currents section, we start off with yet another shot of that same image from Identity Crisis. I think we'll be seeing even more of it before June, don't you? There's a couple of pages of interior artwork on pages 58-59, and it looks pretty good. I'm curious, yes, and we'll be getting it. Flipping to the next page, though, I can honestly admit that I have almost no interest in JLA #100, or in the upcoming Justice League Elite. I'm somewhat interested in Ex Machina #1, but I'm not ready to pick up another on-going without being sure of it. I'll be watching the reviews on this one. Arrowsmith: So Smart In Their Fine Uniforms is a collection of the mini-series. I wouldn't mind getting it to have a more solid book to loan out, but I'll probably pass on it.

Getting into the main listings, here's what will make the list. From the Batman Section: Batman Adventures #15 (99), Batman: Harley & Ivy #3 (100), and Birds of Prey #68. In the Superman section we're getting Superman: Birthright #11 (102). In the regular DCU section, we'll be getting Aquaman #19 (103), Fallen Angel #12 (104), Green Arrow #39 (105), Green Lantern #178, H-E-R-O #17 (106), Identity Crisis #1, JLA #100, Justice League of America: Another Nail #2 (107), JSA #62 (108), Justice League Adventures #32, Outsiders #13 (109), Plastic Man #7, and World's Best Comics: The Silver Age DC Archives Sampler (110). We'll also be getting Sea Guy #2 (116).

And we'll finish off this month's Flipping Through Previews with Dark Horse Comics. To start, I will be getting Samurai Executioner Vol 1 TPB (22). I hope to get them all... and it might get me to reread the Lone Wolf & Cub series, too.

While I haven't been totally drawn into Hellboy yet, not enough to get B.P.R.D. at least, I am more than a little interested in The Goon #7 (31) which features a guest appearance by Hellboy. I've heard good things about The Goon, but have avoided it for fear of addiction. This might be the issue that I can't resist. We'll have to see.

Conan #5 (38) makes the list. It's rip-roaring fun.

And it would hardly be a good order without Usagi Yojimbo #76 (40), now, would it? 20 years strong, and still going. Definitely an impressive series.

And one last note... the "solicits" for Free Comic Book Day are at the front of this Previews mag. I've already posted my thoughts on them, but I'd like to remind you that you can pitch in and support your retailer by paying for some of them so your retailer can give out more free books. Just a thought.

So that's it for this month's "Things in Previews That Look Interesting But I Can't Afford To Get (with a list of things I am getting just for contrast)". Comments? Questions? This time it was a two day effort with hubby-Eric looking over my shoulder for part of the time. Yes, Eric, it's done. Really. I think I added fifteen books to my initial order estimate, but at least it's done.