Sunday, March 28, 2004

Help Needed

There was, about a decade ago now, an animated TV show in Japan based on L Frank Baum's "The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus". Hubby-Eric has been looking for copies of this 24 episode series ever since he first learned about it. Unfortunately, it looks like it was never released on video, and it's mostly ignored by anime fans so we've never even managed to find images from the show.

Now that this blog actually has a couple of readers, I thought I'd put out the word. If you know an anime fan who might be able to help us, we're looking for this show: Shounen Santa no Daibouken or Shonen Santa no Daibouken (depending on who you ask). It translates to "The Great Adventures of Young Santa" or "The Adventures of Young Santa Claus". It was shown April 6, 1995-September 21, 1996 on the Tokyo Broadcast System.

We'd like just about any information about the show, and would particularly pleased to see screen caps or video. Ideally, someone can find copies of the show for us (and we don't care if it's only in the original Japanese), but that seems pretty unlikely. If you can help, please either leave a comment with more information, or drop me an e-mail.