Friday, March 19, 2004

Random Thoughts

I've updated hubby-Eric's blog to tell you the situation on his job. It's not pretty.

If you haven't read about it elsewhere, go visit Neil's blog and read Alan Moore's eulogy for Julie Schwartz.

Today's must-read editorial on comic books: Brian Hibbs on Comic Book collections. Read it. I think I agree with just about every word. Almost.

Kaja Foglio has an unusual addiction.

Steve Lieber is going to Wizard World L. A. and also linked to my Whiteout reviews.

The Mariners website has put up some Mariners Commercials starring Edgar Martinez, going back a few years. My favorite has to be Edgar and the Rookies from 1998, in which Edgar teaches some international players how to speak like locals. "I took my Geoduck to Puyallup!" All of them are pretty good, though, and help explain why Edgar is such a popular person in Seattle. He also did some commercials for Eagle Hardware, before they were bought out, in which his key line was "I have a little project!" and he made various items related to baseball bats, including the famous (infamous?) "It's a light bat!" - A lamp made out of a baseball bat.