Saturday, March 20, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 17 March 2004 - Part IV

Amazing Spider-Man #505 (#64): Mary Jane is having doubts, so why doesn't she confide in Peter? That sort of indicates a flaw in their relationship, that she isn't confident enough to let Peter know what she heard. I wonder if anything will develop out of this? In the B-plot, I like Peter's new-found adulthood. Being able to talk with kids and get them to listen is a rare skill, and one that I admire greatly. Showing Peter as a mature adult is nice, especially since he hasn't lost his sense of fun. Overall a satisfying issue. 4 starfish

Abadazad #2: Being very familiar with Oz, I think I was expecting a longer and more difficult journey to the Emera--- er, to Inconceivable. These books traditionally start out with a bunch of quests before they make it to see the Queen, so I was thrown off by Martha showing up right away and The City being at the start of the quest instead of the end. And where's the obligatory party held in the honor of the guests arriving for the first time? *ahem* Anyway, other than that, I really enjoyed the issue, and was a bit disturbed by the foreshadowing. This is a darker place than the Abadazad of the books, as Kate will soon learn. Other nice aspects of this issue included the lengthy recap of the first issue at the end of the book, the crossword puzzle, information on the Bridges program, including some hints for lesson plans, and the great "Abadazad readers may also enjoy..." bit, which I was delighted to see included Leave It To Chance, Scary Godmother, and The Courageous Princess. Very nice! 4 starfish