Friday, March 19, 2004

Rapid Reviews - 17 March 2004 - Part III

DC: The New Frontier #3: Much better. Everything tied in nicely, this time, and there was enough context that I understood a few references I had missed in the last issue. I like the Batman "team-up". There's some really interesting stuff happening in this book. Too bad that Aquaman is unlikely to turn up. That would have been the icing on the cake for me. As it is, I enjoyed this one a lot. 4 starfish

Batman Adventures #12: It's easy to see the appeal of linked stories when they are done as well as this set of Batman stories has been done. While there is lots of backstory, most of it is quickly explained, to the point where you don't need to have read the previous issues to understand the story. And yet, having read the previous issue, I know why the Riddler is working for Batman. This was a strong story, and it seems to be headed for a conclusion now. I'm really enjoying this book. 4 starfish

Still to review: Amazing Spider-Man and Abadazad.