Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Random Thoughts

Thanks to Kevin Melrose I know that DC is reviving Johnny DC, the old logo that Sergio had fun with once upon a time.

The Stranger tells you ways to die in the new Seattle Library (via Tangognat). For the record, I think it's an incredibly ugly building, on the same ugliness level as the EMP (also known as the stuff the Weedle on the Needle threw up). Nice to know that it's dangerous, too.

I have confirmed that I am, indeed, a charter member of The Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame, thanks to the oddly frantic auctioning at the KBTC pledge drive. Whether or not I go to the opening night gala depends on whether or not hubby-Eric gets enough done to go with me, as I sure as heck am NOT going alone.

There's a pretty cool Electoral Vote Map available. It updates based on polls. No idea how accurate it is, but it can give you an idea of where the most annoying political ads are likely to show up. I got it from one of the political blogs, but I can't remember which one now, sorry.